On March 22, 2012, a Technical Direction Letter announced that to ensure that Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) will be fully compliant with all the Accredited Standards Committee X12 Version 5010, NCPDP Telecom D.0 (NCPDP D.0) and NCPDP Medicaid Subrogation 3.0 (NCPDP 3.0) standards, Medicare claims administration contractors shall immediately modify their systems to not reject any Part A or Part B transactions for failing to use Version 5010 until July 1, 2012. This means that submitters may continue to submit claims in Version 4010, although this is highly discouraged by your MAC, and we will do everything possible to assist you in becoming 5010 compliant. Please share with appropriate staff.
Reprinted: Palmetto GBA. March 28, 2012.